Welcome to Calvary

Service Times
Sunday Small Groups - 9:45 AM
Sunday morning - 10:45 AM
Sunday evening - 6:00 PM
Wednesday evening - 7:30 PM
Children and youth ministries begin at 7:15
A Message From our Pastor
Welcome! We are so glad you have chosen to visit our website. I hope you will find it helpful in learning who were are and what we represent here at Calvary Baptist Church. Our vision at Calvary is simple. We want to join together as we love people and live in Jesus Christ. Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you are in the area and looking for a friendly, outgoing, outreaching church family, you can find it here at Calvary Baptist Church. Our ministries are designed to be family friendly, and certainly Christ-centered. The teaching and preaching ministries are Bible based and practical. The fellowship is sweet and encouraging. We invite you to stop by and see what the Lord is doing here at Calvary!
– Pastor Stephen Stockton –
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